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NotesLate tablet product family consists from 5 different color types of NoteSlate device. This real size display defines unique user experience and great world of interaction. Each type creates 1-bit pictures (black and white), which are displayed in different colors on different noteslates. This brings you different type of interface.


The same 1-bit page could be transfered to other NoteSlate devices, or optionally Shared anywhere. On all NoteSlate tablet models is Wi-Fi module optional at the order, with free of charge. The active touch-screen is almost A4 size, the whole tablet of the basic NoteSate product family are bit taller. In conceptual development are also smaller sizes, which could be introduced after. NoteSlate products are always just one color devices (no 4 color version anymore).



NoteSlate product family

The five piece product launching range consists from five different color model. 1-bit display interface with different end user look and feel




NoteSlate BLACK

Black model of NoteSlate device




NoteSlate WHITE

Pure white model




NoteSlate REDMonochrome red model




NoteSlate GREEN

Green retro interface

NoteSlate BLUEFresh looking blue edition





Solar power equipped cover for noteslate tablet. The low consumption and ecologic aspects of NoteSlate products are our key points. The solar leather cover, brings this device toward to this direction. Price will be announced later.





NoteSlate CUSTOM

CUSTOM models

Freedom to choose color combinations for future models online at noteslate website




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