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NotesLate is operated by own NoteSlate Firmware. This Linux based interface defines the basic abilities of the device and borders for extension programming. The NoteSlate Firmware operating system will be released when launched as open-source platform for development. The programing concept is based on simple editable frames and attached functions. Import of different types of files (NSF 1.5) and OCR support (NS Firmware 2.0) will be probably realeased at the introduction.



The NoteSlate Firmware is open platform for handwritten electronic paper media. The abilities of NoteSlate should involve lot of different range of products and services. Handwritten content as the starting point for NS Firmware, communication, galleries, applications, games, publishing, open-source hardware,... lot of different and unexpected purposes. The basic reason for open-source the OS is the unique pencil interface and the future hardware abilities of this device.


The NotesLate services are the starting point of the development, although there is much much more. HTML 1-bit browsing, networks, 8-bit game hacks, tablet usability, music instrument modifications, ASCII, NoteSlate visual applications,... hardware modifications, peripherals control, ...

The Firmware will be just umbrella for all that abilities and evolution, as it will implement new functionality to the software.



Now there are three basic tasks from the Firmware developer point of view:


NoteSlate Firmware 1.0 - pencil grid, 3 buttons, display status, connectivity, NotesLate extensions

NoteSlate Firmware 1.5 - file imports, complex picture interlinks

NoteSlate Firmware 2.0 - OCR system implementation and basic gestures recognition, NotesLate extensions 2.0

NoteSlate Firmware 2.5 - OCR gestures customization, imprint area selector

NoteSlate Firmware 3.0 - free form imprints editability, customized picture metadata




Open-source vision

As we described, NS Firmware is based on individual editablity of any of the system area called imprint. Open-source vision also opens the door for hardware modifications and usability. Platform for experimenting, education and development. New implementations of NoteSlate hardware. USB connection for different purposes, media and communication.










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